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멕시코 선교팀 특송 가사

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 2,819회 작성일 23-07-22 07:20


Solamente en Cristo

Solamente en El

La salvación

Se encuentra en El

No hay otro nombre

Dado a los hombres

Solamente en Cristo

Solamente en El


Only in Christ

Only in Him

The salvation

is found in Him

There is no other name

given to humans

Only in Christ

Only in Him



Yo tengo un amigo que me ama me ama me ama

yo tengo un amigo que me ama su nombre es Jesús

que me ama que me ama que me ama si con tierno amor

que me ama que me ama su nombre es Jesús



I have a friend Who loves me (3x)

I have a friend who loves me And Jesus is His name

He loves me (2x) He loves me with such tender love

He loves me He loves me and Jesus is His name



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교회명:올바니(알바니)사랑의 교회 Albany Sarang Fellowship Korean Methodist Church(New York) 전화번호 : 443-880-2577(English Ministry)
휴대폰 : 760-636-2675(한국어권) 주소 : 410 23rd St, Watervliet NY 12189 E-mail : doctorsmchoi@gmail.com

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